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Новини Сошичненська ОТГ
Volyn IDP Meeting: Rent Subsidies & Support with Ivan Rudnytsky
АНОНС: 21 лютого відбудеться зустріч начальника ОВА з ВПО на Волині
Запрошуємо вимушено переміщених українців, які проживають на Волині, на чергову зустріч з начальником Волинської ОВА Іваном Рудницьким.
21 лютого об 11:00 годині, тема для розмови: новий вид підтримки внутрішньо переміщених осіб – субсидія на оренду житла. Окрім цього, кожен зможете поставити свої питання, в яких потребує сприяння органів влади.
Посилання на zoom-конференцію: https://surl.li/zdbnwb.
Ідентифікатор конференції: 898 7699 0314, код доступу: 872596.
Просимо під час авторизації в ZOOM вказувати своє прізвище та ім’я, Раду чи організацію, яку ви представляєте.
У разі виникнення додаткових питань телефонуйте за номером: 778 206, 778 230.
Announcement: Meeting for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Volyn with Regional Administration Head
We invite internally displaced Ukrainians residing in the Volyn region to attend a meeting with the Head of the Volyn Regional State Administration, Ivan Rudnytsky. This event is designed to address the needs and concerns of IDPs and provide crucial updates on available support.
Meeting Details:
- Date: February 21st
- Time: 11:00 AM
- Topic: New Support for IDPs: Rent Subsidy. This will be the primary focus of the discussion, providing detailed information on how to access and utilize this new form of assistance.
- Q&A Session: Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek assistance from government authorities. This is a critical aspect of the meeting, allowing for direct interaction and personalized support.
Zoom Conference Information:
- Meeting Link: https://surl.li/zdbnwb
- Meeting ID: 898 7699 0314
- Passcode: 872596
Instructions for Participation:
During your Zoom login, please provide your full name (surname and first name), and specify the Council or organization you represent. This helps in maintaining an organized and effective meeting environment.
Contact Information:
For any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following numbers: 778 206, 778 230. Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries.
Additional Information:
This meeting is an essential opportunity for IDPs to stay informed about the latest government initiatives and receive direct support. We encourage all eligible individuals to attend and take advantage of this valuable resource. The discussion on rent subsidies is particularly timely, as it addresses a critical need for many displaced persons. We look forward to a productive and informative session. Your participation is highly valued, and we are committed to providing all the necessary support.
Please remember to join the Zoom meeting a few minutes before the scheduled time to ensure a smooth start. We are here to help you navigate the challenges you face and provide you with the resources you need.
The goal of this meeting is to provide clarity and support. The Head of the Volyn Regional State Administration, Ivan Rudnytsky, is committed to addressing the needs of IDPs in the region.