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Lubesnivshchyna Wrestlers Win Gold at Grand Prix Chiavari


Учора, 22 лютого 2025 року, відбувся міжнародний юнацький турнір з вільної боротьби “Гран-Прі К’яварі” (Італія). У змаганнях взяли участь 30 команд із різних країн: Італії, Словенії, Румунії, Угорщини, Франції та України.

Двоє відважних борців із Любешівщини гідно представили Україну на цьому престижному турнірі та вибороли золоті нагороди!

З гордістю вітаємо:

🥇 Богдана Бубала (вагова категорія 48 кг)

🥇 Євгена Русила (вагова категорія 51 кг)

та їх тренера Мгера Маргаряна з перемогою.🏆

Наші чемпіони повертаються додому із заслуженим золотом!

Окрема подяка Назару Сліпчуку за фінансову підтримку.

Rewritten Content:

Lubesnivshchyna Wrestlers Win Gold at “Grand Prix Chiavari”

On February 22, 2025, the international youth freestyle wrestling tournament “Grand Prix Chiavari” took place in Italy. The competition featured 30 teams from various countries including Italy, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, France, and Ukraine.

Two brave wrestlers from Lubesnivshchyna proudly represented Ukraine at this prestigious tournament and won gold medals! This is a significant achievement, showcasing their dedication and talent on the international stage. The competition was fierce, and the victories are a testament to their hard work and the quality of their training.

We proudly congratulate:

🥇 Bohdan Bubala (48 kg weight category)

🥇 Yevhen Rusila (51 kg weight category)

and their coach, Mher Margaryan, on their victory. 🏆 Their success brings honor to Ukraine and highlights the strong tradition of wrestling in the region. It’s a moment of pride for their community and a source of inspiration for aspiring young athletes.

Our champions are returning home with well-deserved gold! They have demonstrated exceptional skill and determination throughout the tournament. Their performance will undoubtedly encourage more young people to pursue their dreams in the sport of wrestling. The journey to the top requires immense effort, and these young athletes have proven their commitment to excellence.

Special thanks to Nazar Slipchuk for his financial support. His contribution played a crucial role in enabling these athletes to participate and compete at this level. The support of individuals and organizations is vital for nurturing athletic talent and providing opportunities for success.

This victory not only celebrates the achievements of individual athletes but also underscores the importance of international sporting events in promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. It’s a moment of unity where athletes from different backgrounds come together to compete and celebrate their shared passion for sports.

The success of these young wrestlers serves as an excellent example of the positive impact of sports on individuals and communities. It fosters discipline, resilience, and a strong sense of teamwork. These qualities are invaluable, both on and off the wrestling mat. Their achievements will inspire the next generation of athletes, reinforcing the vital role of sports in shaping young lives and building strong communities. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments!
