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Новини Миропільська ОТГ

Важливі висновки! Дослухаймось! Important conclusions! Let’s hear it in!Translat…

Важливі висновки! Дослухаймось!

Important conclusions! Let’s hear it in!

Translated from Ukrainian

На сьогодні однією з найбільших загроз для біорізноманіття є поширення інвазійних видів. Інвазійним вважається немісцевий для певної території вид із здатністю до неконтрольованого масового поширення.

Як відомо, кожен біологічний вид не існує сам по собі, а формує взаємозв’язки із іншими видами та…


To date, one of the greatest threats to biodiversity is the spread of invasive species. An invasive species is considered non-local to a certain territory with the ability for uncontrolled mass spread.

As it is known, each biological species does not exist on its own, but forms interactions with other species and the environment of existence. This combination is called an ecosystem. These relationships and applications of one species to another occur in the process of evolution over a very long time. In contrast to this, non-local biological species are deprived of these bonds. For example, non-native plant species may not be eaten by local animals, especially insects, they may not be exposed to local diseases, and the release of their root systems may be toxic to other plants. As a result, there is a massive spread of them. Accordingly, the area of local species is decreasing.

One of such invasive species is the red oak (Quercus rubra), a natural area of growth found in North America. This species was first introduced to Europe in 1691. In Ukraine for the first time he entered in 1809.

In the outskirts of Miropol Zhytomyr region, this species has been used in the forestry business for quite a long time. His first plantings were created here at least in the 50s of the last century. In recent years, this species has become almost a main breed for reforestation and logging.

In 2023 the Ministry of Environment approved a list of 13 invasive tree species and imposed a ban on their use in forestry and reforestation. Among these species was a red oak. However, back in the same year, this order was canceled.

Nevertheless, according to available information, in the Miropil forestry as of 2024 red oak has ceased to be used for reforestation.

In 2024 in the conditions of miropil forestry, I conducted a study of the influence of red oak on the biodiversity of the forest by the method of pair areas. Two plots next to areas of 10 * 10 m were selected, located next to each other through the mediation. Both areas are identical in terms of moisture, soil and climatic conditions, relief. Type of forest conditions of both areas D2 (fresh chest).

The first plot consists of pure planting of red oak in block 33 subdivision 39. 67 years of age. A total of 6 species of vascular plants were detected on the site. Derevostan one-story, counts 11 trees of red oak. There are also 5 trees in the growth of a red oak with a height of 3-5 m. The footprint is actually missing, only 1 oppressed individual of common haze detected. The grass tier is also practically missing. 4 species have been detected in the number of single persons: Anemona Dibrovna (6 Os. , not kvítûčí), meringia trižilkova (small os. Near Prosíki), Konvalíâ May (5 Os. ), a pale cobbler (2 os). On the plot on the side of the prosíki, there are plenty of stairs of the red oak, further from the prosíiki – alone.

The second lot is also an artificial planting, but native oak common. Located at block 34 unit 1. 89 years of age. A total of 27 species of vascular plants were detected on the site. Trevostan single-story of 3 trees oak common and 1st tree of linden. There are 6 trees of red oak 3-6 m (sown from the previous site) and small individuals of heart-leafed linden (6 os. ), round-leaf maple (1 os). Medium density pedlísok with čeremhi ordinary (11 os. And many stairs), licorice (6 Os. ), European cranberries (2 os. ), Krušini Lamkoí̈ and Tatarian maple (1 os). The grassy-shagarničkovij tier has 18 species. At different stages of dominating the anemona díbrovna, konvalíâ mayvneva, osoka trâasučkopodíbna. Less often happen spring pšinka, rast dense, zodiac forest, violet riviniev, creeping throat, double-leafed herring, golden yolk, veronica dibrovna and medicinal, crow’s eye common, kruciata hola, gabriy, blackberry pale, wasp pale, bone. In addition, 10 meters from the test area, the growth of the red-nosed species was detected – mowers of the turtle.

Some materials related to the fauna of both areas were also collected so far. The fauna of the first area has 4 species of insects, 2 species of spiders and 1 species of mammal. 8 species of insects, 3 species of spiders, 1 species of reptiles, amphibians and birds were identified on the second site.

Thus, a significant influence of the red oak on the level of biodiversity of the forest has been established. In addition, his plantings pose a threat to neighboring areas of forest formed by Indigenous species. Yes, the second sample area found viable growth of red oak, which in the future could replace the mother tree bed.

These facts indicate that just stopping planting red oak is not enough for today. It is necessary to take immediate measures to remove this species from forest plantations, first of all, on the territory of non-exploited categories of forests.

Translated from Ukrainian
