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KNP SK Avangard Athlete Wins Bronze at Wrestling Championship

Вихованка КНП СК “Авангард “бронзова призерка Чемпіонату області з вільної боротьби серед юніорів та юніорок (U17)

В місті Калуш на базі ДЮСШ відбувся Чемпіонат Івано-Франківської області з вільної боротьби серед юніорів та юніорок (U17). У змаганнях взяли участь юні спортсмени відділення «боротьба» КНП СК «Авангард» (тренер Володимир Острук).

За результатами цього турніру у різних вагових категоріях:
🥉 бронзу виборола (до 53 кг) Білоусяк Соломія
V місце Лазорик Максим
V місце Попенюк Володимир
VII місце Шагай Роман

Переможців і призерів чемпіонату нагородили медалями та грамотами. Вітаємо! Плідної праці та спортивних перемог! Приємно повідомити, що Івано-Франківська область вдруге поспіль стала Чемпіоном України з вільної боротьби.


Success for KNP SK “Avangard” at the Regional Wrestling Championship!

The young athletes of KNP SK “Avangard” showcased their talent at the Іvano-Frankivsk Oblast Wrestling Championship among juniors (U17), held in Kalush. The competition saw participation from the wrestling division of KNP SK “Avangard,” under the guidance of coach Volodymyr Ostruk. This event highlights the dedication and hard work of young athletes in the region.

The championship results are as follows:

  • Solomiia Bilousiak won the bronze medal in the up to 53 kg weight category.
  • Maksym Lazoryk achieved 5th place.
  • Volodymyr Popenyuk achieved 5th place.
  • Roman Shahai achieved 7th place.

The winners and prize-winners were awarded medals and certificates. Congratulations to all the participants! We wish them fruitful work and future sporting victories! It is also pleasing to announce that the Іvano-Frankivsk region has become the Champion of Ukraine in freestyle wrestling for the second time in a row. This is a testament to the strong wrestling culture and the ongoing development of sports in the region. The achievements of these young athletes are a source of pride and inspiration for the local community, showcasing the positive impact of sports on youth development. The consistent success of the region in wrestling reflects the dedication of athletes, coaches, and support staff.

The championship not only highlights the individual successes of the athletes but also underscores the collaborative spirit within the “Avangard” club and the broader Іvano-Frankivsk region. The continued growth and success in freestyle wrestling reflect the ongoing commitment to fostering sportsmanship, discipline, and competitive excellence among young people. The event serves as a platform to recognize and celebrate the hard work, perseverance, and dedication of these young athletes.

This success story is a beacon of inspiration, motivating other young people to pursue their athletic dreams and contribute to the continued growth of sports in the region. The achievements of the young wrestlers are a reflection of the support from coaches, parents, and the community, all of whom play a vital role in nurturing talent and fostering a healthy sporting environment.

The Іvano-Frankivsk Oblast Wrestling Championship highlights the commitment to developing sports among young people. The achievements are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the athletes and their coaches. The community’s support and the region’s success in wrestling inspire future generations of athletes. The event promotes sportsmanship, discipline, and the pursuit of excellence in the region. We hope these victories will encourage even greater participation and success in the future, demonstrating the transformative power of sports.
