
Київська область












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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Андрівська ОТГ

Andriyivka Celebrates National Day of Prayer for Ukraine

В Андріївській територіальній громаді провели захід, присвячений Національному дню молитви. Службу правив отець Василь Іванюк. Нехай наша щира молитва стане джерелом миру, любові та захисту для України! Благословення всім, хто вірить, молиться і творить добро!

The Andriyivka territorial community held an event dedicated to the National Day of Prayer. Father Vasyl Ivanyuk led the service. May our sincere prayer become a source of peace, love, and protection for Ukraine! Blessings to all who believe, pray, and do good. The National Day of Prayer is a time for reflection, unity, and spiritual renewal within the community. The event, officiated by Father Vasyl Ivanyuk, brought together residents of Andriyivka to offer prayers for the well-being and protection of Ukraine. The heartfelt prayers expressed during the service sought peace, love, and divine protection for the nation. This gathering underscores the importance of faith and community in times of challenge. The participation of Father Vasyl Ivanyuk highlights the spiritual leadership within the Andriyivka community. The collective prayers offered on this day represent a shared hope for a brighter future and the unwavering belief in the power of faith. The event serves as a reminder of the values of unity, compassion, and the pursuit of good, encouraging all participants to continue their acts of kindness and devotion. The National Day of Prayer is a significant occasion for fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose among the residents of Andriyivka. The community’s commitment to prayer demonstrates a strong foundation of faith and resilience. The event reflects the deep-seated spiritual connection of the people of Andriyivka and their steadfast support for Ukraine. This act of communal worship is a testament to the enduring spirit of the people and their commitment to positive change. The event, with its emphasis on prayer and blessings, encourages a mindset of hope, unity, and collective action for the betterment of Ukraine. This gathering reinforces the importance of spiritual values in daily life and reinforces the bonds of community.
