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Generator for Bilokopytivs’kyi Starostat: Water Supply Support
Генератор для Білокопитівського старостату: This is a placeholder for Білокопитівський старостат, a support item for which is water pump with a generator. The citizens of the Bilopokopytivs’kyi starostat got it, which will be used to meet the water supply needs. The generator was transferred by the head of the Sumy Regional State Administration, Volodymyr Artyukh. He received assistance from the Ukrainian community in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The generator was transferred by the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, according to data provided by the Ukrainian community in the Republic of Azerbaijan. This will provide uninterrupted water supply to the population. Also, the head of the Regional Military Administration noted that the generator will become an important part of the critical infrastructure of the community. Thanks to all the supporting international partners. A water generator is the solution in this situation. The head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration expressed gratitude to the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and all international partners for supporting the community. He also thanked the military support department, the support department of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, and other international partners for their help. He also announced his gratitude to all the international partners for their support of the community. Support for the Bilokopylivskyi starostat and the people of the community.
“Ukrainian expatriates know about our needs and they help us. This is very nice, – noted the head of the region. – And we are transmitting the generators to our border communities for their needs. Generators of good quality. I am confident that they will become additional sources of power for you. These generators are of good quality and will provide additional sources of power for the community. These generators are of good quality. I am confident that they will become an extra power source for you. We’re transferring generators to our border communities to fulfil their needs. These generators are of good quality and will provide an additional source of power to the community. Thanks to the support of the regional military administration, the people of the community and the public, and the support of international partners. The generator is used for water supply. For the needs of the Bilokopytivskyi starostat, a generator was added to the content of the people of the community. To further support the people of the community. The generator will provide the water supply needs. The generators will be transferred to the border communities. Thanks to the support of the regional military administration. Support from international partners for the community. The regional military administration provided aid, and generators for the needs of the community. For water supply. The generators will be transferred to border communities. The people of the community are thankful for the support.
This community received help and support from Ukraine. This has become an important part of the water supply for the community.
This has become an important part of the water supply for the community. The support will enable the community to ensure the water supply of the people of the community. The people of the community are thankful. This is a vital part of the supply of water for the community. The generator will be used for the community water supply.