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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Привільненська (Рівн.обл) ОТГ

Prayers for Ukraine: Supporting Victory, Peace, and Defenders

Today, after three years of war, we remember the struggle. A war that has touched everyone’s life, a war that has reshaped our lives into “before” and “after.” This day marks the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people, who are fighting for their freedom and independence. For 1067 days, filled with suffering, loss, despair, and separation. 1067 days of courage, resilience, and heroic resistance. Our defenders and defenders, with all their strength, bring us closer to victory.

We are incredibly grateful to our invincible Ukrainian Warriors for every day and evening. Thank you for your resilience and courage, boldness and fortitude. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land. We remember every hero who gave their life for Ukraine. Today, we defend our right to live freely on our God-given land. Prayer to God is a supernatural force for victory and a guarantee of the consolidation and unity of Ukrainian society. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other. Let’s pray to achieve victory. Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

For 1067 days, our defenders and defenders, with all their strength, have brought us closer to victory. We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other. Together, we can continue to make progress. Remember the past. Let’s support the people who keep fighting.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom. Let’s support the people who keep fighting. 

Let the prayer protect Ukraine. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

We are incredibly grateful to our invincible Ukrainian Warriors for every day and evening. Thank you for your resilience and courage, boldness and fortitude. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We remember every hero who gave their life for Ukraine. Today, we defend our right to live freely on our God-given land. Prayer to God is a supernatural force for victory and a guarantee of the consolidation and unity of Ukrainian society. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom. Let’s support the people who keep fighting. 

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

We remember every hero who gave their life for Ukraine. Today, we defend our right to live freely on our God-given land. Prayer to God is a supernatural force for victory and a guarantee of the consolidation and unity of Ukrainian society. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine.

We are incredibly grateful to our invincible Ukrainian Warriors for every day and evening. Thank you for your resilience and courage, boldness and fortitude. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We remember every hero who gave their life for Ukraine.

Today, we defend our right to live freely on our God-given land. Prayer to God is a supernatural force for victory and a guarantee of the consolidation and unity of Ukrainian society. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

We are incredibly grateful to our invincible Ukrainian Warriors for every day and evening. Thank you for your resilience and courage, boldness and fortitude. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We remember every hero who gave their life for Ukraine. Today, we defend our right to live freely on our God-given land. Prayer to God is a supernatural force for victory and a guarantee of the consolidation and unity of Ukrainian society. We pray to protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield, and to be a symbol of the unity of the Ukrainian people and a symbol of our unwavering faith in victory.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield.

We must pray together to support our defenders and defenders, our country and each other.

Let’s be resilient in our faith and courage, and always remember the cost of freedom.

Let the prayer protect Ukraine and those who continue the fight on the battlefield. We bow low to all those who took up arms to defend their native land.
