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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Білогірська ОТГ

Khmelnytskyi Property Taxes: Online Meeting for Citizens & Businesses

✝ До уваги громадян та представників бізнесу області!

Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь у зустрічі в рамках регіональної платформи «Діалог влади та бізнесу», яка відбудеться у четвер, 20 лютого, о 14:00 в онлайн-форматі. Тема зустрічі: «Майнові податки та збори для громадян. Порядок нарахування та терміни сплати».

Щоб приєднатися до онлайн-зустрічі, заповніть форму за посиланням: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdJIBTYmkZjM492ar-lDSkt6C6nFC2eKAnEI9oZ96XkrfeRQ/viewform?usp=header

Довідки за телефоном: (0382) 72-09-31, Департамент економічного розвитку Хмельницької ОВА.

Khmelnytskyi Property Taxes: Online Meeting for Citizens & Businesses
Khmelnytskyi Property Taxes: Online Meeting for Citizens & Businesses

Attention citizens and business representatives of the region!

We invite you to participate in a meeting within the framework of the regional platform “Dialogue between government and business,” which will take place on Thursday, February 20, at 2:00 PM in an online format. The topic of the meeting: “Property taxes and fees for citizens. Procedure for accrual and payment deadlines.”

To join the online meeting, please fill out the form at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdJIBTYmkZjM492ar-lDSkt6C6nFC2eKAnEI9oZ96XkrfeRQ/viewform?usp=header

For inquiries, please call: (0382) 72-09-31, Department of Economic Development of the Khmelnytskyi Regional State Administration.

This announcement is crucial for both citizens and business owners within the Khmelnytskyi region, as it provides an opportunity to understand the property tax regulations, which can significantly affect financial planning. Attending the online meeting is an easy way to stay informed and ask important questions.

The event will take place on February 20th, 2024, offering a valuable opportunity to engage directly with governmental representatives, clarifying any tax-related queries that individuals and businesses might have. It will be a live session designed to make complex financial matters understandable. Participation ensures you stay informed on the latest changes to property taxes, helping you avoid potential penalties and optimize your financial strategies.

Don’t miss out on this important meeting. Take part and gain the knowledge needed to manage your property tax responsibilities effectively. The online format provides convenience, allowing you to participate from any location with an internet connection. Make sure to fill out the registration form to secure your place.

By attending, you can learn about the specific calculation methods for property taxes in your region. Get a complete grasp of how your taxes are calculated and when they need to be paid. This information is essential for anyone who owns property or operates a business in Khmelnytskyi.

The “Dialogue between Government and Business” platform is a key initiative designed to enhance communication and cooperation. The goal is to help citizens and business owners navigate the regulatory landscape effectively, making sure they fully understand their rights and responsibilities. The platform helps to build mutual understanding, fostering a more transparent and collaborative relationship.

The Department of Economic Development of the Khmelnytskyi Regional State Administration, the event organizer, is dedicated to providing crucial information and support to residents. They consistently work to ensure that all relevant information is accessible and that community members can easily find and utilize the resources available to them.

The meeting is a practical resource to assist individuals and businesses in meeting tax obligations and minimizing potential financial risks. It helps everyone remain compliant with current laws and regulations, and ensures that they have access to the essential information needed to manage their financial affairs effectively. It’s a proactive step towards responsible financial management and community engagement.
