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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Боратинська ОТГ

Boratynska Community Wins Grand Prix at Lesya Ukrainka Competition

👏 Дует з Боратинської громади отримав Гран-прі на обласному конкурсі читців до 154-ї річниці від дня народження Лесі Українки

Вчора, 23 лютого, в приміщенні Волинської державної обласної універсальної наукової бібліотеки імені Олени Пчілки відбувся обласний конкурс читців, присвячений 154-й річниці від дня народження Лесі Українки.

Учасниками від Боратинської громади стали директор будинку культури села Городище Тетяна Владика та завідувач клубу села Коршів Світлана Мельник з авторською композицією «Леся Українка – із минувшини до сього дня і не з одного таки листа…». Вона складається з двох частин: авторська музична композиція «Спогади» (слова Оксани Кравчук, музика Тетяни Владики) та «Лесині листи».

🏆 Не зважаючи на велику кількість конкурсантів (41 учасник), представниці нашої громади завоювали Гран-прі конкурсу.

👏 Вітаємо з перемогою!

The duet from Boratynska community received the Grand Prix at the regional readers’ competition dedicated to the 154th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka’s birth.

Yesterday, February 23, the regional competition of readers dedicated to the 154th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka’s birth took place in the premises of the Volyn Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Olena Pchilka.

Participants from the Boratynska community were Tetyana Vladyka, director of the House of Culture of the village of Horodyshche, and Svitlana Melnyk, head of the club of the village of Korshiv, with the author’s composition “Lesya Ukrainka – from the past to the present and not from one letter…”. It consists of two parts: the author’s musical composition “Memories” (words by Oksana Kravchuk, music by Tetyana Vladyka) and “Lesya’s letters”.

🏆 Despite the large number of contestants (41 participants), the representatives of our community won the Grand Prix of the competition.

👏 Congratulations on the victory!

The Boratynska community has achieved a significant accomplishment. The duet representing the community has been awarded the Grand Prix at the regional readers’ competition, which celebrated the 154th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Ukrainian writer and poet, Lesya Ukrainka. The event, held on February 23rd at the Volyn Regional Universal Scientific Library, was a platform for showcasing talent and honoring the legacy of Lesya Ukrainka. The winning performance was an original composition, highlighting the deep appreciation for the writer’s work and the community’s artistic expression. This achievement underscores the cultural significance of Lesya Ukrainka’s contributions and the community’s commitment to preserving her memory through art.

The competition, a celebration of Lesya Ukrainka’s life and works, drew participants from across the region. Among the competitors, the duet from the Boratynska community stood out with their unique and moving performance. Their winning composition, a testament to the writer’s enduring influence, resonated with the judges and audience alike. The success of the duet reflects the community’s dedication to cultural events and the promotion of Ukrainian heritage. Their participation not only brought recognition to the Boratynska community but also fostered a deeper appreciation for Lesya Ukrainka’s literary contributions among the participants and attendees. The award serves as an inspiration to other communities to celebrate their cultural icons and promote artistic expression.

The winning performance, an artistic composition titled “Lesya Ukrainka – From the Past to the Present and Not From One Letter…,” was a highlight of the competition. The performance, which comprised a musical piece titled “Memories” and “Lesya’s letters,” demonstrated the duet’s creative abilities and their profound connection to Lesya Ukrainka’s literary heritage. The innovative approach, which combined music and literature, captivated the judges and contributed significantly to their triumph. The success of the duet is a testament to the power of art in commemorating historical figures and promoting their legacy within modern society. Their dedication and artistic skill brought honor to their community.

The Volyn Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Olena Pchilka, the venue for the competition, provided a fitting backdrop for the event. The library, a hub of knowledge and culture, created a conducive atmosphere for the celebration of Lesya Ukrainka’s legacy. The event’s setting enhanced the significance of the occasion, offering a space for participants and spectators to connect with Ukrainian literature and culture. The library’s role was crucial in organizing the event and ensuring its success, adding another layer of appreciation to the celebration of Lesya Ukrainka’s enduring influence.
