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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Пирятинська Отг

Pyriatyn City Council Session: Budget, Finance & Community Updates

The final stage of preparation for the next session of the city council is traditionally the meeting of the standing deputy commission on planning, finance, budget, socio-economic development, entrepreneurship, and communal property. During two meetings held on February 20 and 24, 52 issues on the agenda were considered.

Deputies thoroughly reviewed draft decisions on issues related to the implementation of program activities and the expenditure of community budget funds for their financing in 2024. All 39 target programs that were in effect last year have been included in the Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Pyriatyn City Territorial Community for 2024. The total amount of funds planned for the implementation of program activities was UAH 192.6817 million, including funds from the budget of the Pyriatyn City Territorial Community for the implementation of activities – UAH 158.4438 million; other sources – UAH 34.2379 million, of which actually used – UAH 172.9939 million, which is 89.8% of the plan.

The largest number of programs were in the field of housing and communal services – 10 programs, for the financing of which UAH 88.8137 million was used; in the field of social protection and social security: 4 programs, for which UAH 27.2034 million was used; healthcare: 6 programs, for financing activities – UAH 24.4271 million; programs of a security nature and public order protection: 5 programs for a total of UAH 16.1901 million; in the field of public administration, 5 programs were in effect, which were financed for UAH 6.7154 million; educational direction: 4 programs – UAH 6.3001 million; two programs with a total amount of funds used of UAH 2.9451 million were in the field of physical culture and sports; the Program of cultural and artistic events – UAH 195 thousand.

The issues of making changes to the programs in effect in 2025 and the indicators of the community budget for the current year, the issue of acceptance and transfer of property into the communal ownership of the community were considered and agreed upon for submission to the session.

Final decisions on all issues on the agenda will be made by the next session of the Pyriatyn City Council, the plenary session of which will be held on Thursday, February 27.
