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Новини Чемеровецька ОТГ
Ukraine Remembers: 3rd Anniversary of War Commemorations
Ми – незламні! Ми переможемо! Сьогодні в селах громади відбулися заходи, приурочені третій річниці повномасштабної російської війни в Україні. Квіти, лампадки, промови… Біль та сльози, а ще ненависть і віра! З вдячністю стаємо на коліна перед нашими захисниками – земляками, перед усіма воїнами ЗСУ, представниками усіх силових підрозділів, добровольчих формувань, волонтерами. Ми вдячні кожному, хто обороняв, обороняє та буде обороняти нашу землю. Слава Збройним Силам України! Слава Україні! Ці святі слова сьогодні, 24 лютого, по-особливому звучали в кожному населеному пункті громади, в кожному місті та селі України.
On the third anniversary of the full-scale Russian war in Ukraine, communities across the country held commemorative events. Flowers, lamps, and speeches filled the air, accompanied by feelings of pain, tears, hatred, and unwavering faith. With gratitude, we bow before our defenders – our countrymen, all soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, representatives of all security units, volunteer formations, and volunteers. We are thankful to everyone who defended, is defending, and will defend our land. Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! These sacred words, on February 24th, resonated particularly strongly in every populated area of the community, in every city and village in Ukraine. These events served as a powerful reminder of the resilience and unity of the Ukrainian people in the face of adversity. The outpouring of support for the military and volunteers highlights the deep respect and appreciation for those who risk their lives. These commemorations are a testament to the enduring spirit of the Ukrainian people, their commitment to freedom, and their determination to overcome the challenges they face. The collective remembrance of the fallen and the continued support for the living is a source of strength and hope. The unity displayed during these difficult times reinforces the nation’s resolve and strengthens its commitment to its values. The heartfelt expressions of grief and the unwavering expressions of hope reflect the complexities of this ongoing struggle. The actions taken by each community, from the smallest villages to the largest cities, collectively demonstrate the unbreakable spirit of the Ukrainian nation. The events held highlight the crucial role of local communities in fostering resilience and maintaining morale during times of conflict. The commemoration of this anniversary serves as a rallying point for the Ukrainian people, strengthening their resolve and reinforcing their commitment to defend their homeland and rebuild their future. The continued support for the Armed Forces and volunteer efforts is crucial for ensuring the eventual victory of Ukraine. The events serve to remind the world of the ongoing struggle and the need for continued support and solidarity. The importance of preserving cultural identity and remembering the history of the conflict is also highlighted by these events. The unity displayed during these difficult times reinforces the nation’s resolve and strengthens its commitment to its values. The heartfelt expressions of grief and the unwavering expressions of hope reflect the complexities of this ongoing struggle.