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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Лозуватська ОТГ

Ukraine’s Unity: Strength in Democracy and Independence

Ми сильні, коли об’єднані. Спільною метою. Спільним шляхом до неї. Спільним вибором, зробленим вільно, – як і з ким його долати.

Цей вибір – тільки наш. Ніхто «ззовні» не має відбирати право на нього. Нав’язувати своє. Диктувати правила.

Володимир Зеленський став Президентом на демократичних виборах. Народ визначив його своїм лідером. І зараз він веде за собою країну, прагнучи справедливого і тривалого миру.

За незалежну державу віддають свої життя захисники та захисниці на фронті. Україна б’ється щодня. Це важке випробування. Водночас – екзамен: чи зможемо, попри всі виклики, залишитися єдиними. Бо тільки плечем до плеча, підтримуючи один одного, вистоїмо.

We are strong when united. With a common goal. With a common path to it. With a common choice, made freely – as well as with whom to overcome it.

This choice is only ours. No one “from outside” should take away the right to it. To impose their own. Dictate the rules.

Volodymyr Zelensky became President in democratic elections. The people have defined him as their leader. And now he leads the country, striving for a just and lasting peace.

Defenders give their lives for an independent state on the front. Ukraine is fighting every day. This is a difficult test. At the same time – an exam: whether we will be able, despite all the challenges, to remain united. Because only shoulder to shoulder, supporting each other, we will stand.

The unity of Ukraine, as well as its people, is a core value. Through the election of a leader, the people can guide and defend the nation.

Our collective strength is derived from our shared goals and the choices we make together. The freedom to choose our path and the people with whom we share it is paramount. No external force should dictate our decisions or impose their will upon us. The democratic election of President Volodymyr Zelensky highlights the power of the people to choose their leader.

The ongoing struggle for an independent Ukraine demands sacrifice and courage from its defenders. Daily battles test our resilience, challenging us to remain unified in the face of adversity. We must stand together, supporting one another to overcome these trials and emerge stronger.

This is a call to action. It’s a reminder of our collective strength. It’s about supporting the nation. It is a testament to the unity of the people and their ability to rise together in the face of adversity. The determination to defend the nation ensures peace and freedom will be achieved.
