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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Городищенська (Вол.обл) ОТГ

International Mother Tongue Day: The Fight for the Ukrainian Language

The International Mother Tongue Day: A Historical Look at Linguistic Suppression. Throughout history, language has been a marker of national identity, a source of unity, and a means of communication. The Russian Empire, starting from the 18th century, aimed to fully absorb Ukraine. They sought not only to conquer the physical territory but also to achieve a spiritual occupation. The goal was to transform Ukrainians into subservient slaves speaking the oppressor’s language and lacking an understanding of their own strength and power. This practice continues to this day, serving as a defining factor in the Russian occupation of Ukraine.

Today, on International Mother Tongue Day, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINR) is highlighting a historical video that details the various stages of Russian linguistic suppression. The video covers the prohibition of ancient Ukrainian sermons, the destruction of church books, the ban on Ukrainian publishing, and the displacement of Ukrainian from education and culture. It extends to the physical destruction of Ukrainian identity carriers through the Holodomor, repression, occupation of cultural spaces, and the subversion of concepts. Even now, in occupied territories, the first actions of the Russians include changing signs, removing the Ukrainian language from public spaces, and eliminating everything Ukrainian from education and culture.

The UINR’s video showcases the continuity of Russian linguistic suppression and the strength of Ukrainian resistance. The video is based on materials from the exhibition “Language Murder – A Component of Rashism.” Production: Prosto production.

Language has always been a marker of national identity and a stimulus for unity and understanding. That’s why the Russian Empire, starting from the 18th century, seeking to completely absorb Ukraine, tried not only to destroy the Cossack army, erase any memory of Ukrainian statehood, and seize not only territory, but also carry out a spiritual occupation, turning Ukrainians into humiliated slaves who speak the language of the occupier and do not understand their own strength and power. And this practice continues to this day and serves as one of the defining factors of the Russian occupation of Ukraine.

Today, on International Mother Tongue Day, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINR) reminds us of a historical video that tells about the different stages of Russian linguocide, from the prohibition of ancient Ukrainian sermons and the destruction of church books, the prohibition of Ukrainian book publishing, and the displacement of Ukrainian from education and culture to the physical destruction of carriers of Ukrainian identity through the Holodomor, repressions, occupation of cultural space and the substitution of concepts. And even now, in the occupied territories, the first thing the Russians do is change signs, remove the Ukrainian language from public space, and remove everything Ukrainian from education and culture.

The UINR video shows the continuity of Russian linguocide and the strength of Ukrainian resistance. The video is based on the materials of the exhibition “Language Murder – a component of Rashism.” Production: Prosto production.
