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Vyshhorod City Council Session: Agenda for February 27, 2025

The plenary session of the next LIV session of the Vyshhorod City Council of the VIII convocation will be held on February 27, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting hall of the administrative building, Shevchenko Square, 1, with the following agenda:

  1. On approval of the report on the execution of the budget of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2024.
  2. On approval of the report on the expenditure of funds from the reserve fund of the budget of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for November and December 2024.
  3. On amendments to the decision of the city council dated November 28, 2024 No. 50/29 «On approval of the program of support for defenders of Ukraine and members of their families for 2025-2027».
  4. On amendments to the decision of the Vyshhorod City Council dated December 19, 2024 No. 51/9 «On approval of city Programs».
  5. On approval of the program to improve the state of safety, occupational hygiene and the production environment on the territory of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025-2027.
  6. On approval of the Program of financial support for ensuring combat capability and liquidation of emergency situations and their consequences of the 10-State Fire and Rescue Detachment of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv region for 2025.
  7. On approval of the Program “Police Officer of the Community” of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025.
  8. On approval of the Program of financial support for the development of a separate subdivision of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – the regional service center of the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv and Chernihiv regions (branch of the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) of its structural subdivision – territorial service center No. 3245 RSC GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv and Chernihiv regions (on the rights of the department), Vyshhorod for 2025.
  9. On approval of the Program to ensure the protection of public order, strengthening law and order, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the prevention of offenses on the territory of the Vyshhorod city council for 2025.
  10. On approval of the Comprehensive Program for ensuring state security, prevention of offenses, combating terrorism, crime and corruption on the territory of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025.
  11. On approval of the Program of support for military unit A7384 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2025.
  12. On approval of the Program of support for military unit A1964 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2025.
  13. On approval of the Program of support for military unit A1302 for 2025.
  14. On approval of the Program of support for military unit A1962 for 2025.
  15. On approval of the Program of support for military unit 3018 of the National Guard of Ukraine for 2025.
  16. On approval of the Program of support for military unit 3082 of the National Guard of Ukraine for 2025.
  17. On approval of the program for the development and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language in all spheres of public life in the Vyshhorod community for 2025.
  18. On amendments to the decision of the Vyshhorod City Council dated December 19, 2024 No. 51/10 «On the budget of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025» (with subsequent amendments) and appendices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 to it.
  19. On the report of the Vyshhorod city mayor Oleksiy Momot on the implementation of the state regulatory policy by the Vyshhorod city council in 2024.
  20. On amendments to the structure of the Vyshhorod City Council of the VIII convocation and its executive bodies.
  21. On awarding the title “Honorary Citizen of the city of Vyshhorod”.
  22. On the dismissal of the KP “Blahoustrii – Vyshhorod” of the Vyshhorod city council from paying part of the net profit to the budget of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025.
  23. On the dismissal of the KP VMR “Vyshgorodpastrans” from paying part of the net profit to the budget of the Vyshhorod city territorial community for 2025.
  24. On paid services provided by VMKDYUSSH.
  25. On approval of the structure and staff of general secondary education institutions, preschool educational institutions, out-of-school education and sports institutions for the 2024/2025 academic year.
  26. On amendments to the organizational structure of the Communal Non-Commercial Enterprise “Center for Primary Medical and Sanitary Care” of the Vyshhorod city council and approval of the Statute in a new edition.
  27. On approval of the Statute of the communal non-commercial enterprise “Vyshhorod City Dental Polyclinic” of the Vyshhorod city council in a new edition.
  28. On approval of the statute of the communal institution of a combined type “Vyshhorod preschool education institution “Soniechko” of the Vyshhorod city council of Kyiv region in a new edition.
  29. On granting consent to the communal enterprise “Vyshgorodteplomerezha” of the Vyshhorod city council to write off fixed assets from accounting.
  30. On the transfer of separate individually defined property from the balance of the communal enterprise “Vyshgorodteplomerezha” of the Vyshhorod city council to the balance of the communal non-commercial enterprise “Vyshhorod Central District Hospital” of the Vyshhorod city council.
  31. On the consolidation of property on the right of economic management for the Communal Enterprise “Vyshgorodteplomerezha” of the Vyshhorod city council.
  32. On granting consent to the communal non-commercial enterprise “Vyshhorod Central District Hospital” of the Vyshhorod city council to write off fixed assets from accounting
  33. On the free transfer of property from the Vyshhorod city council to the balance of the communal enterprise “Management Company” of the Vyshhorod city council.
  34. On the free transfer of property of communal property of the Vyshhorod city territorial community to the communal property of the Pirnivska territorial community on behalf of the Pirnivska village council.
  35. On the transfer of property from the balance of the communal organization “Vyshgorod Radio Broadcasting” of the Vyshhorod city council to the balance of the Vyshhorod city council and to the balance of the Communal Property Fund of the Vyshhorod city council.
  36. On the transfer of property to the operational management of the Communal institution of the combined type “Vyshhorod preschool education institution “Soniechko” of the Vyshhorod city council of Kyiv region”.
  37. On the transfer of property to the operational management of the Communal institution of the combined type “Vyshhorod preschool education institution “Zoloty Klyuchik” of the Vyshhorod city council of Kyiv region”.
  38. On initiating an appeal regarding the free transfer of property from the communal property of the Ivankiv settlement territorial community to the communal property of the Vyshhorod city territorial community on behalf of the Vyshhorod city council.
  39. On the establishment of rent for the use of separate individually defined movable property of the communal property of the Vyshhorod city territorial community.
  40. On amendments to decision No. 51/25 of December 19, 2024 «On granting consent to the Vyshhorod city communal enterprise “Vodokanal” to write off a vehicle from accounting».
  41. On amendments to decision No. 5/10 of January 28, 2021 «On approval of the List of the first type of communal property of the objects of communal property of the territorial community of the Vyshhorod city council for the transfer of property for rent at auction».
  42. On amendments to the decision of the Vyshhorod City Council of August 6, 2021 No. 10/4 «On the commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergency situations of the Vyshhorod city territorial community» (with changes).
  43. On the recognition of the decision of the Vyshhorod City Council of the VII convocation of January 28, 2016. No. 5/6 «On approval of the procedure for granting land plots to citizens on the territory of Vyshhorod» as invalid.
  44. On the termination of the right to use land plots of LLC «Vyshgorodmiskrekonstruktsiia-1».
  45. On the transfer of land plots to rent to LLC “ELECTRONIC INNOVATIONS”.
  46. On the transfer of a land plot to rent to LLC “SILPO RETAIL”.
  47. On amendments to the land lease agreement of December 22, 2020 No. 1455, concluded with LLC “DIM I SAD.”
  48. On amendments to the decision of the Vyshhorod City Council of November 28, 2024 No. 50/16 «On amendments to the land lease agreement with FOP PALII V.P.»
  49. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the inventory of lands of the Vyshhorod city council and the establishment of a personal temporary land servitude.
  50. On granting permission to conduct an expert monetary valuation of a land plot subject to sale.
  51. On the transfer of a land plot for permanent use to the Vyshhorod Children’s Music School.
  52. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the inventory of land plots that are in use by FOP Bilousova O.V.
  53. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the inventory of lands of the Vyshhorod city council and the transfer of land plots for permanent use to the COMMUNAL NON-COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE “CENTER FOR PRIMARY MEDICAL AND SANITARY CARE” OF THE VYSHHOROD CITY COUNCIL.
  54. On approval of the land management project for the allocation of a land plot of communal property with cadastral number 3221810100:01:295:0101, the intended purpose of which is changing.
  55. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Balyukha A.A.
  56. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Vedrynskoy O.P.
  57. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Veremenku O.V. and Mr. Veremenko A.O.
  58. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Verezhnіkova G.P.
  59. On approval of the land management project for the allocation of a land plot to the ownership of Mr. Efremenka A.S.
  60. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Kardakoviy V.V.
  61. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Kardakoviy A.P.
  62. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Klimenko V.V., Mr. Klimenko S.A., Mr. Klimenko M.A. and Mr. Sinyuk T.A.
  63. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Makarychaka V.F.
  64. On approval of the land management project for the allocation of a land plot to the ownership of Mr. Medushivskogo M.V.
  65. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Ostapovskoy V.M.
  66. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Paliy E.M.
  67. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Tkach N.P.
  68. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Tereshchenko O.I.
  69. On approval of technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on the ground) of Mr. Shevchenko O.O. and Mr. Shevchenko V.O.

Vyshhorod City Council Session: Agenda for February 27, 2025
