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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Бориславська Отг

Boryslav SEA: Public Announcement for Energy Facility Development

In accordance with Law of Ukraine № 2354-VIII “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”, and with the aim of obtaining and considering public proposals and comments, the Department of Communal Property, Land Relations and Architecture of the City Council announces the Statement on the determination of the scope of the strategic environmental assessment of the Detailed Plan of the territory for the construction of energy facilities on Brothers Lysykiv Street in Boryslav, Drohobych district, Lviv region.

The Statement on the determination of the scope of the SEA contains information about the customer of the SEA, the type and main goals of the state planning document.

Brief summary of the state planning document:

The body that makes the decision on the approval of the state planning document: Boryslav City Council of Drohobych district, Lviv region.

The planned public discussion procedure:

– the term of public discussion of the Statement on the determination of the scope of the SEA is from 14.02.2025 to 24.02.2025;

– according to Art. 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”, the public within the term of public discussion has the right to submit in writing (including in electronic form) comments and proposals to the Statement on the determination of the scope of the SEA;

– you can get acquainted with the statement on the determination of the scope of the SEA by following the link.

– comments and proposals are submitted to Boryslav City Council (82300, Lviv region, Boryslav, 42 Shevchenka St., e-mail: info@boryslavrada.gov.ua) until 24.02.2025;

– the location of the available environmental information, including that related to public health, concerning the state planning document – Boryslav City Council of Drohobych district, Lviv region.

The need for transboundary consultations on the draft state planning document is absent.


This announcement from the Boryslav City Council concerns the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the development of energy facilities on Brothers Lysykiv Street. The public is invited to review the Statement and provide feedback. The document outlines the project’s goals, the timeframe for public discussion, and the process for submitting comments.

The Boryslav City Council is committed to transparency and public participation in the planning process. This Statement provides important information about the proposed development, including details about the environmental assessment and how the public can engage. The public discussion period is from February 14, 2025, to February 24, 2025. All interested parties are encouraged to review the documentation and submit their feedback within this timeframe.

Key aspects of the announcement include the project’s location, the purpose of the SEA, and the procedures for public participation. The announcement also clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders involved. Information regarding the existing environmental data, including health-related aspects is available at the Boryslav City Council. This ensures a comprehensive review of the project and its potential impacts.

The Boryslav City Council encourages all residents and stakeholders to participate actively in the public discussion. Your input is valuable in shaping the project and ensuring that it aligns with community needs and environmental considerations. Please review the available documentation and submit your comments and suggestions by the specified deadline. This collaborative approach helps ensure the project’s sustainability and adherence to environmental standards.

The announcement explicitly states the absence of a need for transboundary consultations, indicating the project’s limited geographic impact. This focus ensures that the project proceeds in a manner that is environmentally conscious and in compliance with the law. The city council aims to provide all relevant details and transparent communication.

The goal is to create energy facilities on Brothers Lysykiv Street that are sustainable, efficient, and beneficial for the community. Public participation ensures that all perspectives are taken into consideration, ultimately leading to a project that benefits the city and its residents. The project also complies with the Law of Ukraine “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”.

To participate in the public discussion, please submit your written comments and suggestions to the Boryslav City Council at the provided address or email. The deadline for submissions is February 24, 2025. By actively participating, you contribute to the responsible development of Boryslav and a sustainable future.
