9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Баранинська ОТГ

Mobilization of the reserve. Call.

On the execution of the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the order of the Supreme CommanderinChief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine dated February 22, 2022, No. 2 «Procedures of call of резервістів”, with the aim of ensuring national security and defense of Ukraine, readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and other military formations. In accordance with the law , in accordance with the laws of Ukraine in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. In the decrees, and on the basis of the laws of Ukraine laws of Ukraine, and

//- law.


  1. call and call of the, of the required (reserve, including the ones who are, according to the laws, not on the call, and those who are. , the. The, ones on the the
