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Romenskaya Honors Afghan War Veterans and Fallen Soldiers

Even after 36 years, the Afghan war echoes with a searing pain in the hearts of those who went through its hell and those who lost their sons, husbands, and comrades.

Today, on the day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the Romenskaya city territorial community honored the memory of veterans of local armed conflicts.

The head of the community, Oleg STOGNIY, along with the chairman of the NGO “Romenskoye Society of Participants of the War in Afghanistan” Sergey SHEBEDEY, its representatives, the deputy mayor Lilia GORODETSKAYA, the deputy head of the district council Vasily MALIK, and residents of the community laid flowers at the Memorial Sign to participants in the fighting in Afghanistan and on the territory of other states.

During his address, Mayor Oleg STOGNIY emphasized: “Today we pay tribute to the warriors who witnessed and participated in terrible events. We know well the price of peace and freedom. Thank you to every veteran who, having gone through difficult trials, became an example of courage and honor. Words of gratitude to those who are now with weapons in their hands defending Ukraine from the Russian invader. Low bow to all Ukrainian defenders! From the bottom of my heart, I wish everyone good health, family comfort, strength of spirit, faith in a bright future and our common Victory! Glory to Ukraine!”

Those present observed a minute of silence in memory of all military personnel whose lives were cut short on the battlefield. The charitable Archpriest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Igor MURIY conducted a memorial service for the deceased soldiers.

On this day, living flowers, which embody compassion and sorrow, were laid at the monuments and memorial signs of the deceased soldiers of different times.

Eternal memory to the participants of the hostilities who gave their lives on the battlefield…
Honor and glory to all who stood and stand in defense of Ukraine!

According to the department on internal policy issues
