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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Димерська ОТГ

Remembering Ukraine’s Heroes: Three Years of War

🇺🇦💔Today marks three years since the start of the full-scale aggressive war that Russia launched and continues to wage against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, flagrantly violating international law, committing war crimes, and crimes against humanity. In fact, the war has been going on for eleven years, over 4000 days, since February 2014.

[shortcode_1]On this day at the Alley of Glory in Dymer, Volodymyr Pidkurhannyi, together with the employees of the Council, culture, elders, relatives and loved ones of the Heroes, residents of the Dymer community honored the bright memory of the countrymen who gave the most precious thing so that we could live. [shortcode_2]

😢During the war, we have already lost 89 soldiers, real patriots who, at the first call of their hearts, went to war and, unfortunately, died. And this does not include the missing defenders. So many broken destinies…

🙏We have opened 7 more memorial banners to the fallen defenders from our Community:
🇺🇦Parkhomenko Oleksandr Mykolayovych;
🇺🇦 Davydenko Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych;
🇺🇦 Kovalenko Oleksiy Volodymyrovych;
🇺🇦Zayats Dmytro Ihorovych;
🇺🇦Lapko Serhiy Oleksandrovych;
🇺🇦Halenko Leonid Volodymyrovych;
🇺🇦Kramarenko Oleksiy Anatoliyovych.
Eternal memory to the Heroes🕯.

🙏They laid flowers, lit lamps, and prayed together with the Rector of the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Archpriest Bohdan Tokalskyi, for the eternal repose of the souls of the Heroes.

On behalf of our entire Community, we bow low to the parents of our defenders for raising worthy sons. We sincerely sympathize with the heavy loss🫂.

💛We also thank Ukrainian soldiers, volunteers, medics, rescuers, and all friendly countries for giving us the strength to fight for our lives🩵.

The heroic resistance of Ukrainians has already become a world legend, and the stability of the planet or its absence now depends on the result of this war. Let’s hold on🙏. Peaceful sky to our mother Ukraine🕊. Glory to the Ukrainian people!🇺🇦
