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Dmytro Panshyn: Remembering a Ukrainian Hero and Memorial Service

🕯Сьогодні відбудеться прощання із Дмитром Паньшиним

Сьогодні, 9 січня, о 10:00 годині у Палаці культури “Світлопільський” відбудеться прощання з нашим захисником Дмитром Паньшиним.

Поховають бійця за бажанням сім’ї на центральному кладовищі.

Дмитро Паньшин народився в Олександрії і закінчив школу №5.

Займався підприємницькою діяльністю, працював за кордоном.

Після повномасштабного вторгнення повернувся в Україну.

З вересня працював майстром виробничого навчання в Олександрійському професійно-технічному ліцеї.

Згодом пішов захищати цілісність і незалежність держави.

Герой загинув 31 грудня під час бойового завдання та безпосереднього зіткнення з противником в районі м. Бахмут, Донецької області від поранень, несумісних із життям.

Воїну було 47 років.

У загиблого залишилися батько, сестра, дружина та три донечки.

Висловлюємо щирі співчуття рідним і близьким нашого захисника.

🇺🇦Вічна слава Герою!

Today, we honor the life and sacrifice of Dmytro Panshyn, a true hero who defended Ukraine’s freedom. This article serves as a tribute and provides details about the memorial service, offering a space for reflection and remembrance.

Dmytro Panshyn’s life, from his upbringing in Oleksandriya to his ultimate sacrifice in the defense of his nation, embodies courage and dedication. Born in Oleksandriya, he graduated from school No. 5 and later pursued entrepreneurial endeavors, including working abroad. However, his commitment to Ukraine called him back home when the full-scale invasion began. He dedicated himself to educating the next generation as a production training master at the Oleksandriya Vocational and Technical Lyceum before answering the call to protect his country’s integrity.

Dmytro Panshyn bravely fought for Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence. He made the ultimate sacrifice on December 31st in the vicinity of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, during a combat mission, succumbing to fatal injuries sustained in direct conflict with the enemy. He was 47 years old.

The memorial service will be held today, January 9th, at 10:00 AM at the Svitlopilskyi Palace of Culture. Following the family’s wishes, Dmytro will be laid to rest at the central cemetery. This service provides an opportunity for the community to come together, express their condolences, and honor the memory of a fallen hero.

Dmytro’s legacy extends beyond his service; he leaves behind a father, sister, wife, and three daughters. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones during this time of immense grief. His bravery and dedication will never be forgotten. The Ukrainian flag, a symbol of resilience and freedom, accompanies this tribute as we honor Dmytro Panshyn’s eternal glory.

The loss of Dmytro Panshyn is a tragedy felt deeply by the community. His commitment to Ukraine serves as an inspiration, and his sacrifice underscores the ongoing struggle for freedom and independence. May his memory be a blessing, and may his spirit live on in the hearts of those he touched.

In times of such profound loss, it’s important to acknowledge the grief and extend support to those affected. As we remember Dmytro Panshyn, let us also reflect on the importance of unity and resilience. He stood for the values of freedom, justice, and the strength of Ukraine. His sacrifice reminds us of the price paid for these values and motivates us to continue the fight for a peaceful future.

The community of Oleksandriya, and indeed all Ukrainians, mourn the loss of a true patriot. Dmytro Panshyn’s story is a testament to the courage and sacrifice of countless individuals who defend their homeland. This memorial service serves as a symbol of remembrance and a moment to honor his life and legacy.

May the memory of Dmytro Panshyn be eternal. Slava Ukraini!
