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Новини Велимченська ОТГ
Remembering Dmytro Koliada: A Ukrainian Hero’s Sacrifice
Сьогоднi Дмитру було б тридцять пʼять… Навіки 24.
Памятаймо… 🕯️
Коляда Дмитро Степанович
Народився 21 лютого 1990 р., в селі Велимче, Ратнівського району Волинської області. Дата трагічної загибелі: 18 листопада 2014 р. (помер від поранень в місті Володимир).
Звання: Солдат.
Посада: Стрілець.
Підрозділ: 51-а окрема механізована бригада.
Указом Президента України № 270/2015 від 15 травня 2015 року, “за особисту мужність і високий професіоналізм, виявлені у захисті державного суверенітету та територіальної цілісності України, вірність військовій присязі”, нагороджений орденом «За мужність» III ступеня (посмертно).
Навіки в строю.🛡️ Назавжди в серці.❤️🩹
#51ша_омбр Велимченська ТГ
Today would have been Dmytro’s thirty-fifth birthday… Forever 24.
Let us remember… 🕯️
Koliada Dmytro Stepanovych
Born on February 21, 1990, in the village of Velymche, Ratnivskyi district, Volyn region. Date of tragic death: November 18, 2014 (died from wounds in the city of Volodymyr).
Rank: Soldier.
Position: Shooter.
Unit: 51st Separate Mechanized Brigade.
By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 270/2015 of May 15, 2015, “for personal courage and high professionalism, demonstrated in the defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath”, he was awarded the Order of “For Courage” III degree (posthumously).
Forever in the ranks. 🛡️ Forever in the heart. ❤️🩹
#51sha_ombr Velymchenska TG
Today, we remember Dmytro Koliada, a soldier of the 51st Separate Mechanized Brigade, who tragically lost his life defending Ukraine. He would have turned thirty-five years old.
Dmytro Koliada, born in 1990 in the village of Velymche, Volyn region, served as a soldier and shooter. He was a member of the 51st Separate Mechanized Brigade and was posthumously awarded the Order of “For Courage” III degree for his bravery and professionalism in defending Ukraine’s sovereignty. His sacrifice and memory will forever be honored. His life cut short at the age of 24, Dmytro remains forever young in our hearts, and his bravery continues to inspire us all.
The loss of Dmytro serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom and the sacrifices made by Ukrainian soldiers. His story is one of courage, dedication, and unwavering commitment to his country. The decree from the President of Ukraine underscores the nation’s recognition of his valor. Dmytro’s service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten, and his memory will be cherished by his fellow soldiers, his community, and his family. He is a hero who will forever stand in the ranks, forever in our hearts.
We extend our deepest condolences to Dmytro’s family and loved ones. May his memory be a blessing.
Let us take a moment to reflect on the bravery and selflessness of those who have given their lives for Ukraine.
#RememberingHeroes #Ukraine #WarHeroes #51OMBR