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Новини Теребовлянська Отг

Terebovlia Honors Heroes on Ukraine War Anniversary

💔Три роки незламності. Три роки боротьби. Три роки пам’яті.

💔24 лютого… Третя річниця початку повномасштабного вторгнення рф в Україну.

🕯Сьогодні у Теребовлі на Алеї Героїв, що на центральному міському кладовищі, ми схилили голови у скорботі за тими, хто віддав життя за нашу свободу. 🪖

🙏Під час поминальної молитви згадали всіх загиблих земляків-захисників та невинних жертв цієї жорстокої війни.

До їхніх могил поклали живі квіти — символ вічної шани й вдячності.

🇺🇦Прозвучав Державний Гімн України, нагадуючи нам, що їхня боротьба не була даремною.

Ми пам’ятаємо. Ми не забудемо. Ми продовжимо їхню справу — боротися за Україну!💙💛

#Герої_не_вмирають #Вічна_пам’ять #Слава_Україні #Три_роки_незламності #Теребовль #Україна

Today marks the third anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a time of profound reflection, remembrance, and unwavering resolve. This solemn occasion is a moment to honor the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of Ukraine. The people of Terebovlia, in a display of solidarity and remembrance, gathered at the Alley of Heroes in the central city cemetery to pay their respects.

During the memorial prayer, the names of fallen defenders and innocent victims of this brutal war were solemnly remembered. Living flowers were laid at their graves, a symbol of eternal respect and gratitude for their ultimate sacrifice. The Ukrainian National Anthem resonated, reminding everyone that their struggle was not in vain. Their bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

The memory of those lost will continue to inspire the living to fight for Ukraine. The fight for Ukraine continues. It is a fight for independence and freedom, a fight to preserve the values of democracy and self-determination. The people of Ukraine, with the support of allies worldwide, remain steadfast in their commitment to the cause of justice and peace. Their courage and resilience in the face of adversity is an inspiration to us all.

The community of Terebovlia stands united in mourning and in resolve. The images of the day, captured in the photographs, stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Ukrainian people. They reflect the solemnity, the grief, and the unwavering determination to honor the fallen and to continue the fight for a brighter future. In their collective memory, and in their resolute actions, the heroes of Ukraine will never be forgotten.

This anniversary serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict and the importance of standing up for what is right. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made and to reaffirm the commitment to a future where peace and justice prevail. The spirit of Ukraine is unbroken, and its people will continue to fight for their freedom and independence.
