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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Деражненська ОТГ

Rivne Region Weather Alert: Icy Roads Expected Feb 24-26


За інформацією Рівненського обласного центру з гідрометеорології, 24-26 лютого на дорогах ожеледиця.

⚠️ (І рівень небезпечності, жовтий).

У випадках надзвичайних подій пов’язаних із негодою телефонуйте на цілодобовий номер Служби порятунку “101”.

Rivne Region Weather Alert: Icy Roads Expected Feb 24-26
Rivne Region Weather Alert: Icy Roads Expected Feb 24-26

**Urgent Weather Alert: Icy Roads Expected in Rivne Region**

Attention residents of the Rivne region! The Rivne Regional Center for Hydrometeorology has issued a warning about hazardous road conditions. Expect icy roads from February 24th to February 26th. This alert is classified as Level 1 danger (yellow).

**Safety Precautions and Emergency Contact**

The forecast of icy roads requires increased caution for drivers and pedestrians. The primary concern is the risk of slips and falls. Drivers should be particularly careful, as icy conditions can significantly reduce vehicle control and stopping distances. To minimize risk, ensure your vehicle is equipped with winter tires and check that all lights are functioning correctly. Pedestrians should also exercise vigilance, wearing appropriate footwear with good traction, and carefully navigating sidewalks and crosswalks.

**Stay Informed and Prepared**

For the latest updates, continue to monitor local news channels and the official website of the Rivne Regional Center for Hydrometeorology. The center will issue updates on the evolving weather situation. Be sure to prepare your home and vehicle for the upcoming weather. Ensure you have adequate supplies, and that you are prepared for possible delays in transportation. If you must travel during this period, plan your route in advance and consider using public transportation if possible.

In the event of any emergencies related to the adverse weather conditions, dial the 24-hour emergency number for the Rescue Service: “101”. Your safety is paramount. Please stay vigilant and take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and others during this period of inclement weather. Remember, the impact of icy roads can extend beyond immediate dangers; it can also cause traffic delays, potentially impacting the delivery of goods and services.

**Additional Safety Tips**

* **Vehicle Preparation**: Check tire pressure, ensure your vehicle has adequate antifreeze and wiper fluid. Consider carrying an emergency kit with a blanket, flashlight, and a first-aid kit. If you are caught in icy conditions, drive slowly and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.
* **Pedestrian Safety**: Walk slowly and deliberately on icy surfaces. Be aware of black ice, which can be difficult to see. Consider using ice grips or cleats on your shoes for added traction. Avoid unnecessary travel during peak icy hours.
* **Home Safety**: Clear ice and snow from walkways around your home. Ensure that your heating system is functioning correctly. Have a backup plan in case of power outages.

By following these guidelines, residents can significantly mitigate the risks associated with the icy road conditions and ensure their safety and the safety of others. This is a time for community vigilance and mutual support. Remember to check in on elderly neighbors and anyone who may need assistance during this period of inclement weather.
