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Новини Ужгородська Отг

Uzhhorod City Council Supports IDPs: First 2025 Meeting

🖇️Ужгородська міська рада обговорила ключові питання підтримки ВПО на першому засіданні Координаційної ради у 2025 році

Ужгородська міська рада напередодні провела перше цього року засідання Координаційної ради з питань внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО).

Захід відбувся у змішаному форматі: частина учасників долучилася онлайн, що забезпечило максимальну залученість. У засіданні взяли участь представники міської влади, громадських організацій, благодійних фондів, а також внутрішньо переміщені особи.

Міський голова Богдан Андріїв висловив щиру подяку всім організаціям і партнерам, які допомагають ВПО, сприяючи інтеграції переселенців у громаду та забезпечуючи їх соціальну підтримку.
На засіданні розглянули низку важливих питань.

Детальніше – ТУТ

Uzhhorod City Council Discusses Support for IDPs at First 2025 Coordination Council Meeting

The Uzhhorod City Council recently held its first meeting of the Coordination Council on issues related to internally displaced persons (IDPs) for this year. The event took place in a hybrid format, with some participants joining online, ensuring maximum engagement. Attendees included representatives from the city authorities, public organizations, charitable foundations, and internally displaced persons.

Mayor Bohdan Andriiv expressed sincere gratitude to all organizations and partners who assist IDPs, supporting the integration of migrants into the community and providing them with social support. A number of important issues were discussed at the meeting, focusing on how to improve support systems and address the unique needs of the displaced population. The Council is committed to ensuring that IDPs receive comprehensive assistance and are fully integrated into the life of Uzhhorod.

The discussion highlighted the ongoing efforts to address challenges faced by IDPs, including housing, employment, and access to essential services. The city council is working collaboratively with various stakeholders to create sustainable solutions. This approach ensures that the support provided is effective and responsive to the evolving needs of the displaced community. The primary aim is to create an environment where IDPs can rebuild their lives with dignity and security.

Key topics included the allocation of resources, streamlining administrative processes, and enhancing communication channels to ensure IDPs are well-informed. The council emphasized the importance of coordinated efforts to avoid duplication of services and maximize the impact of support programs. Further discussions focused on long-term strategies for supporting IDPs. These include initiatives to promote self-sufficiency, access to education and healthcare, and cultural integration.

The Uzhhorod City Council remains dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for IDPs. By fostering collaboration and addressing the specific needs of the displaced population, the council aims to build a stronger and more inclusive community. The focus is on providing a comprehensive support system that addresses both immediate and long-term needs. This commitment underscores the city’s dedication to humanitarian principles and its responsibility to care for vulnerable populations. The council is committed to continuous improvement.

The council’s proactive stance reflects a commitment to the well-being of the entire community, including the IDP population. The recent meeting underscores the city’s dedication to addressing the needs of those affected by displacement. This commitment provides a foundation for future initiatives and projects. For more details, see the official report from the city council. (link provided above).
