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Новини Кам'янець-Подільська Отг

Kamianets-Podilsky Teachers Win ‘Teacher of the Year 2025’


The best motivation for students is the example of their teachers. Our students have someone to look up to, because the teachers of Kamianets-Podilsky are once again among the best!

From February 4 to 20, the regional stage of the all-Ukrainian competition “Teacher of the Year – 2025” took place. The victory was contested in the nominations: “Foreign Literature”, “History”, “Technology/Labor Education” and “Chemistry”.

The Kamianets-Podilsky territorial community was represented by 13 teachers from gymnasium №4, lyceums №6, 9, 12, 13, 14 and Lyceum. During the competitive tests “Testing”, “Analysis of a poetic work”, “Methodological workshop”, “Practical work”, “Master class”, “Roadmap of a creative project”, “Research” and “Lesson”, the participants demonstrated their knowledge and professional skills. The jury of each nomination determined the winners and laureates:

🥇 1st place – Ulyana Khliakina, teacher of foreign literature of lyceum №13;

🥈 2nd place – Svitlana Hrytsiuk, teacher of foreign literature of lyceum №6;

🥈 2nd place – Halyna Koptsevych, chemistry teacher of the Kamianets-Podilsky Lyceum;

🥉 3rd place – Tetiana Iov, teacher of foreign literature of lyceum №12.

👏 Laureates of the competition were Hanna Sorochynska, teacher of technology/labor education of gymnasium №4, and Lesya Semeniuk, chemistry teacher of lyceum №14.

We sincerely congratulate the participants and winners and wish Ulyana Oleksandrivna success at the all-Ukrainian level!

Dear educators, you not only give children knowledge – you are shaping the future of our state. You are talented, dedicated and creative, you teach, inspire and open new horizons for your students.
