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Owl’s Nest Provides Humanitarian Aid to IDPs in Uzhhorod

📍У БО БФ “Гуманітарний центр “Совине гніздо” цього тижня внутрішньо переміщені особи, зареєстровані в Ужгороді, отримали:

1️⃣5️⃣ пакетів із необхідними речами для дітей до 1 року;
5️⃣0️⃣ пакетів із продуктовими наборами;
8️⃣0️⃣ хлібин.

Протягом тижня волонтери видавали одяг, взуття, постільну білизну та посуд (видали 850 одиниць).

➡️ Видачу гуманітарної допомоги здійснювали у партнерстві з PDUM Partnerschaft Deutschland-Ukraine/Moldova e. V. , Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help e.V. ., Угорською екуменічною службою допомоги, Валентином Штефаньо та іншими благодійниками.

☝️Нагадуємо, за відповідними реєстраціями для отримання допомоги стежте на сторінках центру «Совине гніздо» в телеграмі або фейсбуку. Додаткову інформацію можна отримати на офіційній сторінці https://sovyne.com.ua/

The Humanitarian Center “Owl’s Nest” continues its crucial work, providing essential aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs) registered in Uzhhorod. This week, the center distributed vital supplies, including packages for infants and food parcels. Furthermore, the center facilitated the distribution of clothing, footwear, bedding, and tableware, assisting a significant number of individuals.

This week, the Charitable Foundation “Humanitarian Center “Owl’s Nest” in Uzhhorod provided essential aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs). Registered IDPs received crucial support, including baby packages and food parcels. The center’s efforts also extended to distributing clothing, footwear, and household items, underscoring their commitment to comprehensive assistance.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the assistance provided by “Owl’s Nest” this week:

  • Infant Packages: 15 packages containing essential items for babies under 1 year old.
  • Food Parcels: 50 food parcels to help families.
  • Bread: 80 loaves of bread.
  • Clothing and Household Items: Distribution of 850 units of clothing, footwear, bedding, and dishes.

The distribution of humanitarian aid was made possible through collaborations with several organizations and individuals. Key partners included PDUM Partnerschaft Deutschland-Ukraine/Moldova e. V., Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help e.V., the Hungarian Ecumenical Charity, and Valentyn Shtefanyo, among other benefactors. This collaborative approach highlights the center’s dedication to a comprehensive support system for IDPs.

The Humanitarian Center “Owl’s Nest” plays a crucial role in supporting the IDP community in Uzhhorod. By providing essential supplies and coordinating with partner organizations, they ensure that those affected by displacement receive timely and relevant assistance. The center’s efforts have a significant impact on the well-being of vulnerable individuals and families. The assistance offered demonstrates the center’s commitment to meeting the immediate needs of the IDP community.

To stay informed about registration details and upcoming aid distributions, individuals are encouraged to follow the “Owl’s Nest” center on Telegram and Facebook. Additional information can also be found on the official website: https://sovyne.com.ua/.

The provided assistance underscores the center’s commitment to a comprehensive support system for internally displaced persons in Uzhhorod. The center’s collaborative approach ensures efficient distribution of aid. By supporting “Owl’s Nest”, individuals and organizations can contribute to the well-being of vulnerable populations.

The “Owl’s Nest” Humanitarian Center is a vital resource for IDPs in Uzhhorod. The center’s consistent efforts in providing essential aid highlights the importance of community support. The center’s commitment to the IDP community makes a real difference. The collaborative nature of the center ensures that assistance reaches those who need it most. The recent aid distribution efforts showcase their commitment to supporting those in need.
