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Новини Славутицька Отг

Slavutych Honors Fallen Defenders: Memorial and Support

Чергова зустріч родин полеглих захисників Славутича!


У цю батьківську поминальну суботу ми схиляємо голови перед світлою пам’яттю Героїв, які віддали життя за Україну. Батьківська поминальна субота — це тихий шепіт вдячності й сльози любові до тих, хто вже ніколи не повернеться, але вічно житиме в наших серцях.

Вічна Пам’ять Героям!

Дякую фахівцю із супроводу ветеранів війни та демобілізованих осіб п.Оксані Гелетій за висвітлення діяльності та можливості надання допомоги родинам загиблих Героїв нашого міста.

Храм в честь ікони Божої Матері “Неустанна Поміч” УГКЦ у м. Славутич.

In a solemn gathering, the families of fallen defenders of Slavutych came together to honor the memory of their loved ones. This poignant event, held during a parental memorial Saturday, served as a tribute to the heroes who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine. It was a time for silent gratitude and heartfelt sorrow, acknowledging those who will never return but will forever live in their hearts. The community expressed its deepest respect and admiration for the fallen heroes, recognizing their ultimate sacrifice in defense of the nation.

The meeting was an opportunity for reflection and remembrance, allowing families to find solace in shared memories and mutual support. The presence of veterans affairs specialist Oksana Heletiy was particularly appreciated, as she highlighted the ongoing efforts to support families of the deceased and the assistance available to them. Her work ensures that these families receive the recognition and aid they deserve.

The gathering was held in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Unfailing Help” of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Slavutych, providing a sacred space for remembrance and prayer. This location offered a sense of community and spiritual comfort to those in attendance. The event underscored the importance of honoring the fallen and providing support to those left behind, ensuring their sacrifice is never forgotten.

The community’s commitment to remembrance is a testament to the enduring spirit of resilience and the profound respect for those who defended their homeland. This memorial gathering was a heartfelt expression of gratitude and a promise to keep the memory of the heroes alive for generations to come. The event served as a vital reminder of the human cost of conflict and the importance of solidarity and support for those who have suffered loss.
