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Новини Великосеверинівська
Velikoseverinivka Students Excel at English and Law Olympiads
📌15-16 лютого 2025 року відбувся ІІІ (обласний) етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови та правознавства, в якому взяли участь учні 9-11 класів Великосеверинівської сільської ради.
📌Предметні змагання відбулися з дотриманням законодавства України в частині забезпечення заходів безпеки, пов’язаних із запровадженням правового режиму воєнного стану в Україні.
📌Учасниками ІІІ (обласного) етапу олімпіади від сільської ради з англійської мови стали:
☑️Криволапова Марія, учениця 9-го класу Созонівського ліцею;
☑️Кушнарьов Ілля, учень 10-го класу Созонівського ліцею;
☑️Ісакова Софія, учениця 11-го класу Великосеверинівського ліцею.
📌Учасницею ІІІ (обласного) етапу олімпіади від сільської ради з правознавства стала:
☑️Шевченко Вікторія, учениця 9-го класу Оситнязької філії Великосеверинівського ліцею.
📌Щиро дякуємо учням за старанність і наполегливість, учителям – за підтримку та наставництво, а батькам – за віру та мотивацію. Ваші зусилля вже є великим досягненням! Бажаємо всім успіху та перемоги на цьому етапі!
Results of the English and Law Olympiads in the Velikoseverinivka Village Council
The III (oblast) stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in English and Law took place on February 15-16, 2025. Students from grades 9-11 of the Velikoseverinivka Village Council participated in the event. This event highlights the dedication and academic achievements of students from the region. The Olympiad was conducted in strict accordance with the laws of Ukraine, ensuring the safety measures related to the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine were observed. This commitment to safety underscores the importance of adhering to regulations during such educational competitions.
Participants from the Village Council
The following students represented the Velikoseverinivka Village Council in the III (oblast) stage of the English language Olympiad:
- Kryvolapova Mariia, a 9th-grade student from Sozonivka Lyceum;
- Kushnariev Illia, a 10th-grade student from Sozonivka Lyceum;
- Isakova Sofiia, an 11th-grade student from Velikoseverinivka Lyceum.
The participants showcased their English language skills through a series of challenging tasks and assessments. Their participation not only reflects their individual efforts but also the quality of English language education within the community. The Olympiad provides a platform for students to demonstrate their abilities and to compete with their peers in a structured environment.
From the Village Council, the following student participated in the III (oblast) stage of the Law Olympiad:
- Shevchenko Viktoriia, a 9th-grade student from the Ositniazhka branch of the Velikoseverinivka Lyceum.
This competition in law provided a valuable opportunity for students to explore and deepen their understanding of legal principles and regulations. The students’ participation in the Law Olympiad underscores the importance of civic education and the development of informed, engaged citizens. Their involvement highlights the commitment to fostering legal awareness and critical thinking skills.
Acknowledgments and Appreciation
We extend our sincere gratitude to the students for their diligence and perseverance, to the teachers for their support and mentorship, and to the parents for their faith and motivation. Your efforts have already resulted in a significant achievement! We wish everyone success and victory at this stage. The collaborative effort of students, teachers, and parents highlights the importance of a supportive educational environment. The success of these students reflects the dedication of the entire community to academic excellence.
We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing what they achieve in the future. This event is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the education of these students. The community’s commitment to academic excellence is evident in the success of its students at the regional level.