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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Новини Подільська Отг

UNICEF-Supported Social Work Training in Odesa, Ukraine

19. Представтуються 2025, як title 2025 року. 20 февраля. 2024. На Одесах. The events have been a place, and it is done with a series of specialized training sessions. [HTML] The participants and other involved organizations represented the people in the room, particularly in the field of family and social work. Подольский міський центр соціальних служб, and the participants from the social centre are represented. The training enhances the skill of professionals in family support and social work. The main goal of the training is to improve family well-being and focus on improving the social health, support, and the reintegration of families. The training session promotes the professional competence of family support in areas, providing effective assistance from prevention to reintegration. The training and seminars enhance the skills of professionals in family support and social work, providing a framework from prevention to reintegration. [200 chars] The training is an international event, and this event is hosted by UNICEF, and it is working in collaboration with Ukrainian Foundation. This training is a joint initiative from Ukrainian and international organizations. #ПодільськийМіськийЦентрсоцслужб is a tag for the events and for the participants to use. This social service focus provides services in the areas of health, support, and reintegration. [Image] The photo is of the participants and represents the events. [Image] This shows a group of people at a training or seminar event. [Image] The images include a variety of people from a variety of different perspectives. The photos are of the participants, events, and different groups of people in the session. The training event provided a range of new skills in the areas of family support, social work, and the services provided by the centers. The social services provide the assistance and support needed to families in the center. The programs support and provide the people in the area with education, health, and other services. The programs support and assist people with education, health, and social service needs. The sessions help to bring families together. The photos can be used to show family engagement and the involvement of the community. The goal of these programs is to assist and empower families. The aim is to support families and to help them with the reintegration of the families.
