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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Печерський

Kyiv’s Pechersk District: Online Reception Addresses Resident Concerns

20 лютого голова Печерської районної в місті Києві державної адміністрації Наталія Кондрашова провела онлайн-прийом громадян, що відбувся на платформі Контакт-центру 1551. Жителі району мали змогу залишити свої коментарі на сторінці Контакт-центру у Facebook, порушивши актуальні для них питання. Під час онлайн-прийому громадяни зверталися щодо: – стану ліфтового господарства; – паркування; – благоустрою району та зелених зон; – утримання будинків, прибудинкових територій і підвалів; – освітлення в житлових будинках; – ремонту покрівель; – облаштування дитячих і спортивних майданчиків; – стану укриттів тощо. Очільниця району уважно розглянула всі звернення та запевнила, що жодне з порушених питань не залишиться без уваги — їх вирішення буде опрацьоване найближчим часом. Контактний центр 1551

On February 20th, Natalia Kondrashova, Head of the Pechersk District State Administration in Kyiv, held an online public reception via the 1551 Contact Center platform. Residents of the district were able to leave their comments on the Contact Center’s Facebook page, raising their pressing issues. During the online reception, citizens addressed the following concerns: – The state of the elevator systems; – Parking; – Improvement of the district and green areas; – Maintenance of buildings, adjacent territories and basements; – Lighting in residential buildings; – Roof repairs; – Equipping children’s and sports grounds; – The condition of shelters, etc. The head of the district carefully reviewed all appeals and assured that none of the issues raised would be left unattended – their resolution will be worked on in the near future. This online forum facilitated direct communication between residents and the local government, fostering transparency and addressing residents’ immediate needs. The active engagement of the head of the district highlights the administration’s commitment to addressing citizen concerns. This event provides a valuable channel for residents to voice their needs and receive prompt responses, improving the overall quality of life in the Pechersk district. Contact Center 1551 plays a crucial role in connecting citizens with relevant authorities. The topics raised during the online reception reflect the key areas of focus for the local community. The commitment of the head of the district to address these issues underscores the importance of responsive governance. By ensuring that citizens’ voices are heard, the Pechersk District State Administration is working towards a more livable and responsive environment for its residents. This initiative showcases the benefits of modern communication platforms in enhancing public service delivery.
The online reception format allowed for quick and efficient feedback. This event promotes good governance.
The variety of concerns is good, and the head promised to resolve them in the near future. The government cares about the citizens.
This kind of communication makes the government feel more friendly to the people.
