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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Турківська Отг

Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes: Honoring Ukraine’s Heroes

20 лютого відзначаємо День Героїв Небесної Сотні, a day that, o riginally, was chosen because of the significance of it. The purpose of this is to allow individuals to respect the bravery and sacrifice of those who died during the Revolution of Dignity. This day is a symbol of sacrifice, patriotism and heroism. The Revolution of Dignity. Our goal is to honor their sacrifice and to keep the memory of the the fallen heroes. It’s important to recognize the role and sacrifice of everyday people. 

On February 20th, the anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, we honor heroes. This marks the day they passed away. The heroes paid the ultimate price. The Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred is more than just a date. It’s a symbol of sacrifice and patriotism. Remembering those who died during the Revolution of Dignity can be a way of keeping the memory alive of those who died during the revolution. The heroism, the sacrifice, and the patriotism of the everyday citizens is what is important and what is being celebrated. 

The aim of this is to properly honor the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. A memorial service will be held for the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and citizens who died, defending Ukraine’s independence. This is so important for citizens and heroes alike. 

The events that led to the Revolution of Dignity and those who made their sacrifice and those who helped contribute towards the success of the revolution is the best way to remember those who died. We must remember those who made a sacrifice for our freedom and the right to selfdetermination. It is necessary that we honor our heroes, respect the efforts of the heroes and their sacrifice, and celebrate the freedom of the heroes who died during the revolution. 

Be worthy of your heroes, those who gave their lives for our freedom and the right to free development. The revolution’s aim to be free and independent means that every sacrifice made was to preserve our freedom. The sacrifices made by the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred help keep the independence of Ukraine alive. 

The Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and their sacrifice are a celebration of sacrifice and patriotism. The need to remember these heroes is what’s important to the country of Ukraine. We must continue to honor the heroes. This is a way to show respect to the memory of the heroes. 

The sacrifices of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred is very important to the country. It’s important to remember the heroes of the revolution and what they did for the country. To always remember the sacrifices made and to honor the heroes of the revolution is what this revolution is about. 

We should honor the heroes because they sacrificed their lives to protect the independence of Ukraine and the right to self-determination. It is of the utmost importance that we remember the sacrifices made by these heroes. 

Glory to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred!

Glory to Ukraine!
