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9-20 Гаряча лінія Олександра Поворознюка 068 377 77 77 
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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Крижопільська Отг

Kryzhopil Commemorates 3rd Anniversary of Russian Invasion

On February 24th, a commemorative meeting-requiem was held in Kryzhopil, near the Alley of Remembrance of the fallen Heroes-compatriots, dedicated to the third anniversary of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Participants in the event – community leaders, representatives of structural subdivisions of the village council and the public – honored with a minute of silence the memory of all those killed during the russian-Ukrainian war and laid flowers at the Alley of Remembrance of the fallen Heroes-compatriots.

Speaking at the meeting, the head of the Kryzhopil village council, Volodymyr Vasylyshyn, addressed those present with important words: “Today marks three years since the beginning of russian aggression against Ukraine. Three years of our great resistance, our invincibility. Three years of prayers for our Defenders, for our Ukraine.

Difficult, very difficult years. During which we fought, supported the military, internally displaced persons, lost Heroes, cried, despaired and again believed in ourselves, our strength, our Victory.

It is impossible to list everything done in this short speech, but I want to say the main thing: during these years we held on with all our might and worked with all our might for the defense of the state and the development of the community.”

Thanking everyone for their resistance and activities for the sake of Victory, and also bowing to those who gave their lives for Ukraine and bravely resist the enemy today, Volodymyr Mykolayovych noted: “Thanks to our Defenders, all of us, we have been standing for the third year. But we still need to Win. We can only win this war together – and we can only save Ukraine together. And therefore, we must work every day – all for Ukraine. Everyone at their own level, everyone in their own place.

And today, on the National Day of Prayer, we must also pray for those who continue the fight on the battlefield. And may our prayer become a testament to the spiritual unity of all of us and a symbol of our unwavering faith in Victory!

Ukraine will win!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!”
