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Відкрити/Закрити Фільтри

Новини Попільнянська ОТГ

National Prayer Day in Ukraine: A Call for Unity

24 лютого 2025 року – Національний день молитви

У цей день представники різних релігійних конфесій, священнослужителі та громадяни України об’єднуються у спільній молитві за захисників, полеглих героїв та майбутню перемогу.
Запрошуємо всіх до спільної молитви, яка відбудеться, завтра, на Алеї Слави в селищі Попільні о 9 годині 05 хвилин, у третю у річницю повномасштабного вторгнення російської федерації в Україну, відразу після загальнонаціональної хвилини мовчання. Запрошуємо прийти на молитву, незалежно від конфесії.

«Збираємось і молимось разом!» – цей заклик об’єднає всіх у спільній молитві.

## National Prayer Day in Ukraine: A Call for Unity and Remembrance

On February 24, 2025, Ukraine will observe the National Prayer Day. This day is dedicated to unity, remembrance, and prayer for the defenders, fallen heroes, and the future victory of Ukraine. It is an important opportunity for reflection and collective strength.

### A Time for Reflection and Unity

On this day, representatives from various religious denominations, clergy, and citizens of Ukraine will come together in a joint prayer. The aim is to show solidarity and offer prayers for all those affected by the ongoing conflict. This act of collective prayer is a powerful symbol of unity, regardless of individual beliefs or backgrounds.

### Invitation to Prayer in Popil’ni

All are invited to a communal prayer service, which will take place the day after the date in Popil’ni village, at the Alley of Glory. The service will begin at 9:05 AM, marking the third anniversary of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation into Ukraine. The prayer will follow the nationwide moment of silence. Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of their religious affiliation.

### The Call to Prayer: “Let’s Gather and Pray Together!”

This call to prayer is a unifying message that brings people together in a shared expression of faith and hope. It underscores the importance of community and collective action during challenging times. The event aims to foster a sense of solidarity and shared purpose among all participants.

### The Importance of National Prayer Day

National Prayer Day serves as a reminder of the values that unite the Ukrainian people, including resilience, faith, and hope for a peaceful future. The event is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of prayer in times of adversity.

### Event Details

* **Date:** February 24, 2025
* **Location:** Alley of Glory, Popil’ni village
* **Time:** 9:05 AM (following the national moment of silence)
* **Participation:** Open to all, regardless of religious affiliation

We invite everyone to join this important event to demonstrate unity, remember those who have sacrificed, and pray for a brighter future for Ukraine. This is a moment to stand together, united in faith and hope.
