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Новини Бориспільська Отг

Boryspil Community Budget 2020: Projects, Voting Results, and Funding

On November 25, 2019, Deputy Mayor L.O. Kovaleva held a meeting of the Working Group on the implementation of the Community Budget in the city of Boryspil. The meeting participants reviewed the results of the voting for the previously submitted projects and formed a rating list of them.

The total number of votes cast for 8 projects in electronic and paper form is 716, including 341 – through electronic voting and 375 – on paper forms. The residents of the city gave the most votes for the educational project “Educational Space for Happy Children” – 553 votes, and the least – for the project “Room for Parents and Children” – 3 votes. For the other 6 projects, the votes of the residents were distributed as follows:
project “Sports complex for children, adolescents and adults #Sportscomplex” – 15;
project “Holding the All-Ukrainian exhibition of painting “The Breath of Watercolor 2020″ in Boryspil with the publication of the catalog” – 39;
project “Renovation of the “Berezka” group in the kindergarten “Rosinka” – 42;
project “Tennis tables – a step towards public health” – 38;
project “Holding the 10th festival “Musical Compote” in Boryspil in May 2020″ – 8;
project “Safe disposal of hazardous waste” -18.
You can get acquainted with the rating list of projects on the website of the city council in the section “Community Budget of the city of Boryspil” in the section “Transparent Budget”.
According to the Order of the Mayor of the city dated September 19, 2019 No. 394 “On the implementation of the community budget in the city of Boryspil” the project proposals that received the most votes are recommended for implementation, until the volume of funds of the community budget in the city of Boryspil allocated for the implementation of projects in 2020 is exhausted. In accordance with the city target program “Community Budget of the city of Boryspil for 2019 – 2023”, the volume of financing of projects in 2020 is 1 million UAH. The winning projects are determined separately among projects with a budget of up to 50.0 thousand UAH within 40 percent of the total amount defined by the Program – and this is 400 thousand UAH, and among projects with a budget of 50.0 to 150.0 thousand UAH (inclusive) within 60 percent of the total amount defined by the Program

Program, which is 600.0 thousand UAH. Thus, all projects that were submitted in 2019 can be implemented within the framework of the planned funding in 2020. The participants of the working group unanimously supported the implementation of 8 projects at the expense of the city budget in 2020.

The main managers of funds – the executive bodies of the city council, to whose competence the implementation of the winning projects belongs, will include the volumes of financing of such projects in the budget requests for 2020 and will implement and quarterly inform the Working Group on the implementation of the community budget about the progress of work.
We congratulate the authors of the projects and thank everyone who joined and supported the project proposals of the first participants of the community budget of the city of Boryspil.
