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Новини Успенівська ОТГ

Odesa: How to Apply for Business Licenses via Electronic Cabinet

How to Apply for Business Licenses in Odesa Region via the Electronic Cabinet

The Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in the Odesa region informs that, according to Article 43 of the Law of Ukraine No. 3817-IX dated June 18, 2024, “On State Regulation of the Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Spirit Distillates, Bioethanol, Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, Tobacco Raw Materials, Liquids Used in Electronic Cigarettes, and Fuels” (hereinafter – Law No. 3817), to obtain a license for the relevant type of activity, a business entity submits an application to the licensing authority for a license to conduct the relevant type of economic activity in paper or electronic form in the manner specified in Article 42 of the Tax Code of Ukraine No. 2755-VI dated December 2, 2010 (hereinafter – the Tax Code).

The application must be accompanied by documents, the list of which is provided for in Article 43 of Law No. 3817 for the relevant type of license.

Paragraph 42.1.2 of Article 42.1 of the Tax Code stipulates that the Electronic Cabinet enables taxpayers to exercise their rights and obligations defined, in particular, by the Tax Code and regulatory legal acts adopted on the basis of and in execution of the Tax Code, including by ensuring interaction between taxpayers and controlling authorities on other issues provided for by the Tax Code, which can be implemented electronically using electronic communication means.

The procedure for the functioning of the Electronic Cabinet is approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 637 dated July 14, 2017 (hereinafter – Procedure No. 637).

The taxpayer has the right to independently choose the method of interaction with the controlling authority electronically through the Electronic Cabinet, unless otherwise established by the Tax Code (clause 17.1.13 of clause 17.1 of Article 17 of the Tax Code).

Taxpayers who are users of the Electronic Cabinet can, in the “Correspondence with the STS” menu of the private part of the Electronic Cabinet, send a letter containing an application for a license for the right to produce, wholesale and retail trade in alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, liquids used in electronic cigarettes, and fuel, storage of fuel, along with a compiled document confirming the economic justification for submitting such an application (hereinafter – Letter).

The form for preparing such correspondence involves selecting the following details: the region in which the STS body is located, the STS body to which the Letter is submitted, the type of document (from the list, “Application (petition)” is selected), the subject matter (from the list, “Other issues within the competence of the STS” is selected), and also involves filling in a brief summary and uploading a scanned Letter (the file must be in pdf format with a size limit of no more than 5 MB).

Within one working day after sending the Letter to the STS body, the author of the electronic letter will be notified of the incoming registration number and registration date.

Information on receiving and the registration date of the Letter in the STS body can be viewed in the “Incoming” mode of the “Incoming/outgoing documents” menu of the private part of the Electronic Cabinet.

Access to the Electronic Cabinet is at: https://cabinet.tax.gov.ua, and also through the official web portal of the STS.

Access to the private part is provided after the user undergoes electronic identification online using a qualified electronic signature of any Qualified Electronic Trust Service Provider, through the Integrated Electronic Identification System – id.gov.ua (MobileID and BankID), using Diia Signature or a “cloud” qualified electronic signature.

☎️ STS Hotline: 0800 501 007

📱Mobile application “My Tax”:

Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=my.tax.gov.ua

iOS https://t1p.de/lgu5a

🖥 Online training: https://tax.gov.ua/baneryi/onlayn-navchannya/

📧 For prompt communication with civil society institutions, communication tax platforms operate in the STS bodies: https://t1p.de/aq4sp

📧 Odesa Region Communication Platform: od.ikc@tax.gov.ua



Odesa: How to Apply for Business Licenses via Electronic Cabinet
Odesa: How to Apply for Business Licenses via Electronic Cabinet
